BackHon’ble Director, ICAR-CSWRI visited SRRC, Mannavanur, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu and addressed the farmers during SCSP training program on 28.05.2022
The Southern Regional Research Centre of ICAR-CSWRI organized a training programme on “Orientation to advances in sheep and rabbit farming” under Scheduled Caste Sub-plan, Government of India at Mannavanur, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu on 28.05.2022. The training programme was graced by the august presence of Dr Arun Kumar Tomar, Hon’ble Director, ICAR-CSWRI and in his presidential address to the trainees, he emphasized the objectives and modus operandi of SCSP program. He also insisted and directed the farmers that hand-holding support given by the Government of India through the SCSP scheme to weaker sections of society must be effectively and proactively utilized so that the goals of the government would materialize by improving the livelihood of marginalized farmers. The Director also visited various SCSP beneficiary farmers’ households at Kumbur and Mannavanur villages and appreciated the way farmers are keeping the sheep and rabbits. He also distributed rabbit units to the beneficiaries.
Dr S S Dangi, Incharge AFAO, ICAR-CSWRI briefly explained the financial aspects and intended outcome of the SCSP programme. Dr S Jegaveera Pandian, training coordinator, briefly explained to the trainees about the SCSP activities and its training objectives. Dr P Thirumurugan, Officer Incharge, SRRC explained the activities of the center for the benefit of SCSP farmers under this scheme. Dr Pachaiyappan K, training co-coordinator compeered the programme and briefed the SCSP input distribution activities and Dr S Rajapandi, CTO, proposed the formal vote of thanks. The training programme was attended by over 100 farmers, with an overwhelming participation by women farmers, from 10 villages viz., Puthuputhur, Kookal, Mannavanur, Kavunji, Kilavarai, Poondi, Keezhanavayal, Kumbur, Polur and Kaikatti. Queries posed and opinions aired by the trainees were elaborately addressed by Director, ICAR-CSWRI and Scientists of SRRC. Lectures and demonstration on various aspects of sheep and rabbit farming were delivered in the programme.
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