BackDeputy Director General (Animal Sciences), ICAR New Delhi visited Arid Region Campus of CSWRI, Bikaner
Dr J K Jena, Deputy Director General (Animal Sciences), ICAR, New Delhi along with Dr. A K Tomar, Director CSWRI visited Arid Region Campus of ICAR-CSWRI Bikaner on 19th January 2018. Dr N V Patil, Director NRCC Bikaner and Dr B N Tripathi, Director, NRCE Hisar also accompanied DDG during his visit. At the outset, Dr. A K Tomar, Director CSWRI and Dr A K Patel, Head Arid Region Campus welcomed the DDG and other dignitaries. Dr Tomar explained the mandate of centre and briefed the significance of sheep breeds being improved at the ARC Bikaner for improving carpet wool production in the country. Dr Patel, Head of ARC explained the research activities and achievements of the research projects being carried at centre. DDG was quite satisfied with the achievement of research project. DDG inaugurated newly developed museum at centre where the institute technologies and products are displayed for sheep farmers and other visitors. The honourable DDG also visited the sheep sectors and field laboratories including AI lab, FTU, machine shearing centre etc.
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On this occasion DDG and other dignitaries had discussion with the sheep farmers and tried to know the problems being faced by the sheep farmers. The low price of wool and lams was major concerned of sheep farmers in arid region. Eight superior breeding rams of Magra were also distributed to the adopted farmers under NWP Magra field Unit. Finally, DDG motivated and promised the staff of the ARC that he would put the maximum efforts at his level to strengthen the centre in terms of its infrastructure, allocation of more budget and man power.

