BackMaiden visit of Hon'ble Deputy Director General (Animal Sciences) to SRRC (ICAR-CSWRI), Mannavanur
Dr. H. Rahman, Deputy Director General (AS), ICAR, New Delhi along with Dr. S.M.K. Naqvi, Director, ICAR–CSWRI, Avikanagar visited Southern Regional Research Centre, (ICAR–CSWRI), Mannavanur, Tamil Nadu on 18th June 2016.
During the visit, DDG (Animal Science) laid foundation stone for the new administrative- cum-laboratory building and declared open the new modernized sheep shed. The Hon’ble DDG (Animal Science) and Director had interactive review meeting with the staff of SRRC and they appreciated the progress being made by SRRC. Dr. A.S. Rajendiran, Officer In- Charge presented an overview of the centre. The DDG (AS) assured that laboratory with required basic facility will be established at the centre along with construction of roads within the campus. Provision of requisite furnitures and computers for new administrative building and renovation of residential quarters will be taken up on priority basis. The dignitaries visited various sections of SRRC and witnessed the improvement brought at SRRC, Mannavanur in last two years.
DDG (AS) also addressed the local farming community that ICAR would cater their needs through this centre. The tree saplings were planted by all the dignitaries. He also assured that all support to further strengthen the centre will be taken to cater the needs of sheep farmers of southern India through construction of training hall, farmers training hostel as well as creating basic amenities for the tourists visiting agri-ecotourism unit of the centre.
SRRC was established on 16th November 1965 and has completed 50 years of its existence for the yeoman service to the nation by improving livelihood of sheep herders through supply of superior germplasm. The DDG (AS) emphasized that golden jubilee seminar may be conducted at SRRC, Mannavanur in the month of October 2016.