BackOne Day Farmers’ Interactive Meet conducted at Southern Regional Research Centre (ICAR – CSWRI), Mannavanur and Distribution of Elite Bharat Merino Breeding Rams
One day Farmers’ Interactive Meeting was conducted at Southern Regional Research Centre (ICAR – CSWRI), Mannavanur on 07-01-2016. A total of ten progressive sheep farmers from Ramnagar Sheep, Wool and Goat Rearer Co-Operative Society, Kanakpura Taluk of Ramnagar District, Karnataka attended the meeting. Dr. P. K. Mallick, Sr. Scientist (AG&B) and Principal Investigator of Bharat Merino Project and Dr. R. Pourouchottamane, Sr. Scientist (LPM) coordinated the programme. The farmers were detailed about importance of breed improvement programme and its role in improving their livelihood security. The farmers were also given insight about performance of Bharat Merino sheep which is having high body weight along with good mothering ability and importance of this germplasm in meeting out the huge demand of mutton as well as wool production of the Karnataka State. Dr G. Nagarajan, Sr. Scientist and Dr. S Rajapandi ACTO interacted with the farmers and asked them to take full advantage of technologies developed by CSWRI. The farmers put up their views and interacted with different subject matter specialists. During the programme, a total of Forty Five elite Bharat Merino germplasm were distributed to the farmers as per the price fixed by price fixation committee. Mr. K. Ganesan, Technical Assistant highlighted the importance of legume fodders and concentrate supplementation to sheep. Mr. G. Murali, Technical Officer gave tips regarding safe and proper care to be undertaken during transportation and also thanked the farmers who have attended the meeting.
