BackIndustrial Visit of B.Tech (Fashion Technology) Students to SRRC Mannavanur on 20.02.2014
Dr. D.Saravanan, Professor & Head, Department of Textile & Fashion Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode District (TN) sent 24 students of B. Tech (Fashion Technology) along with 2 faculty members on their Industrial Visit to SRRC on 20.02.2014. The fashion technology students have wool & wool technology as their one of the core subjects in their B.Tech program.
Dr. A.S. Rajendiran, Principal Scientist and Officer In-charge of SRRC Mannavanur presented an overview of the centre and its activities. Dr. R. Pourouchottamane, Senior Scientist delivered lecture to these students on Bharat Merino Sheep. Dr. SMK Thirumaran, Scientist briefed about rabbits and fur production. Interactive session on wool utilization was organized with the help of Sh. G. Murali, Technical Officer and Sh. K. Ganesan, Technical Assistant. All the woolen products were also displayed to them. Students were taught about differences between sheep wool and other animal fibres. The method to differenciate wool fibre from synthetic fibres was explained to them.
All the students gained practical knowledge on wool and its utilization and expressed their gratitude to CSWRI as whole for giving them adequate information of animal fibres and their utilization. The faculty and students felt very happy for updating their relevant technical knowledge.