BackCadre Strength » Dr Amar Singh Meena
Dr Amar Singh Meena
Designation: |
Sr Scientist (Animal Genetics and Breeding), Animal Genetics and Breeding Division (Official e-mail id:
Contact Details: CSWRI Avikanagar
Phone No. |
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01437 220137(O), (R) |
Mobile No. |
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08875442262, 09413279085 |
Fax No. |
: |
01437 220163 |
Email Id |
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Academic Background
University / Institute
B.Sc. (CBZ)
Rajasthan university, Jaipur
M.Sc (Biotechnology)
Biotechnology Department, Rajasthan university, Jaipur
Research Experience:
Research Experience
Associated from April, 2010 to 31 March, 2012
Genome analysis of sheep breeds by Molecular methods as Co-PI
Associated from July, 2010 to continue
“Veterinary type culture”-Rumen Microbes as Co-PI
Associated from April, 2011 to continue
“Molecular Identification and Characterization of Melatonin Receptor gene in relation to Reproduction Seasonality” as CO-PI
Associated from April, 2012 to continue
Nutritional manipulation for enhancing qualitative and quantitative mutton production as Co-PI
Associated from April, 2012 to continue
Identification of candidate gene responsible for luster parameter in Magra sheep
Professional Affiliations
Lifetime membership
The Indian Science Congress (ISCA) Association
Lifetime membership
Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization (ISSGPU)
Awards and Professional Affiliations
CSIR-JRF-NET cleared in Dec. 2006 and Dec. 2007
DBT-JRF cleared in 2007
ICAR-NET cleared in Plant Biotechnology (2008) and Animal Biotechnology (2009)
GATE-2007 Qualified
Top 10 Research Publication’s
- Jyoti Kumar, G. G. Sonawane, B. N. Tripathi, A. S. Meena, F. Singh and S. K. Dixit (2013). Bilateral mixed bacterial pyelonephritis in a crossbred sheep. The Indian Journal of Small Ruminants 19 (1) : 61-66
- A S MEENA, RAJIV KUMAR, RAJNI KUMARI, BASANTI JYOTSANA, L L L PRINCE and SATISH KUMAR (2013). Genetic polymorphism of melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene in Indian sheep breeds. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 83 (12): 1284–1287, December 2013/Article
- A R AHLAWAT, P U GAJBHIYE, L L L PRINCE, AMAR SINGH and S G GAJJAR (2014). Polymorphism of keratin intermediate filament (kif) type i gene association of wool quality traits in Patanwadi, Marwari and Dumba breeds of sheep. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 84 (3): 316–319, March 2014/Article
- A R AHLAWAT, P U GAJBHIYE, L L L PRINCE, A S MEENA, V B DONGRE and S G GAJJAR (2014). Genetic polymorphisms in growth hormone gene in Patanwadi, Marwari and Dumba breeds of sheep. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 84 (9): 1021–1022, September 2014/Short communication
- Rajni Kumari, Rajiv Kumar, Amar Singh Meena, Basanti Jyotsana, L. L. L. Prince and Satish Kumar (2014). Genetic polymorphism of Growth Hormone Gene in Native Sheep Breeds of India. The Indian Journal of Small Ruminants 20 (2) : 15-18
- Basanti Jyotsana, Rajiv Kumar, Rajni Kumari, A. S. Meena, L. L. L. Prince, Ved Prakash and Satish Kumar (2014). Study of β-Lactoglobulin gene in Indian sheep breeds of different agro-climatic regions. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 84 (10):1133-1136, October 2014/short communication
- Vijay Kumar Saxena, Bipul Kumar Jha, Amar Singh Meena and S.M.K. Naqvi (2014). Sequence analysis and identification of new variations in the coding sequence of melatonin receptor gene (MTNR1A) of Indian Chokla sheep breed. Meta Gene 2 : 450–458
8. Saxena VK, Jha BK, Meena A.S, Narula H.K, Kumar D, Naqvi SMK (2015). Assessment of genetic variability in the coding sequence of Melatonin receptor gene (MTNR1A) in Tropical Arid sheep breeds of India" Reproduction in Domestic Animals ; Feb 23. doi: 10.1111/rda.12503.
- Saxena, V., Jha, B. K., Meena, A. S., and Naqvi, S. M. K., (2015) Characterization of MTNR1A Gene in term of genetic variability in a panel of Sub-Temperate And Sub-Tropical Indian Sheep Breeds. Journal of Genetics (Unedited version published online : 1 June 2015)
10. Vijay Kumar Saxena, Bipul Kumar Jha, Amar Singh Meena, Harvinder K Narula, Davendra Kumar and S.M.K. Naqvi (2015). Melatonin Receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene sequence characterization and SNP identification in Tropical sheep breeds of India. Receptor Clin Invest ; 2: e731. doi: 10.14800/rci.731.