BackCadre Strength » Dr. Vinod Kadam
Dr. Vinod Kadam
Designation: |
Senior Scientist (Textile Manufacture), Textile Manufacturing and Textile Chemistry Division (E-mail Id:
Contact Details: Division of Textile Manufacture& Textile Chemistry, CSWRI Avikanagar, Malpura(Tehsil),
Tonk- Dist, Rajasthan 304501
Phone No. |
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01437-220179(O), (R) |
Mobile No. |
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6377589466 |
Fax No. |
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01437 220163 |
Email Id |
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Academic Background
Ph.D. (2018), RMIT University, Australia
M. Tech (Textile Technology) (2006), Mumbai University, India
B. E. (Textile Engineering) (2003), Amravati University, India
Diploma in Textile Manufacturing (2000), Board of Technical Education, India
Research Experience:
Research projects
- Wool profiling of Indian Sheep breeds (Sponsored by National Livestock Mission, Dept. of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India
- Wool reinforced composites (Sponsored by Central Wool Development Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India)
- Textile engineering interventions for effective use of coarse wool and development of eco-friendly woolen products
- Development of animal fibre based diversified, value added products
- Development of biotechnology and nano based functional chemical finishing processes to wool and other animal fibre
- Development of Intelligent portable wool fibre analyzer
- A value chain for coconut fiber and its products: Manufacture of diversified products of higher value and better marketability to enhance the economic returns of farmers and coconut industry
- Design and development of rubber dam for small watershed
- Investigation of chitosan for medical textile application
Latest Ten publications
- Poonia, N., Kadam, V., Rose, N. M., Yadav, S., & Shanmugam, N. (2022). Effect of Fiber Chemical Treatments on Rice Straw Fiber Reinforced Composite Properties. Journal of Natural Fibers, 1-11.
- .Jose, S., Thomas, S., Jibin, K. P., Sisanth, K. S., Kadam, V., & Shakyawar, D. B. (2022). Surface modification of wool fabric using sodium lignosulfonate and subsequent improvement in the interfacial adhesion of natural rubber latex in the wool/rubber composites. Industrial Crops and Products, 177, 114489.
- Gogoi, M., Kadam, V., Jose, S., Shakyawar, D. B., & Kalita, B. (2022). Multifunctional finishing of woolens with lemongrass oil. Journal of Natural Fibers, 19(4), 1353-1365.
- Kadam, V., Rustagi, S., Gupta, T., Shakyawar, D. B., Kumar, A., & Shanmugam, N. (2022). Traditional Woolen Namda (Felted Fabrics) from Tonk, Rajasthan: A Livelihood Initiative for Rural Women. TEXTILE, 20(3), 410-424.
- Jose, S., Kadam, V., Gupta, V., & Badanayak, P. (2022). Simultaneous Dyeing and Ultraviolet Protection of Wool Fabric with Pomegranate Rind Using TiO2 Nanoparticles. Journal of Natural Fibers, 1-10.
- Kadam, V., Truong, Y. B., Schutz, J., Kyratzis, I. L., Padhye, R. & Wang, L. (2021). Gelatin/β–Cyclodextrin Bio– Nanofibers as Respiratory Filter Media for Filtration of Aerosols and Volatile Organic Compounds at Low Air Resistance, Journal of Hazardous Materials 403, 123841
- Kadam, V., Rani, S., Jose, S., Shakyawar, D. B., & Shanmugam, N. (2021). Biomaterial based shrink resist treatment of wool fabric: A sustainable technology. Sustainable Materials and Technologies, e00298.
- Gupta, V., Jose, S., Kadam, V., & Shakyawar, D. B. (2021). Sol-gel synthesis and application of silica and titania nanoparticles for the dyeing and UV protection of cotton fabric with madder. Journal of Natural Fibers, 1-11.
- Meena, H. C., Shakyawar, D. B., Varshney, R. K., & Kadam, V. (2021). Thermo-physiological clothing comfort of wool-cotton khadi union fabrics. Journal of Natural Fibers, 1-10.
- Saxena, V. K., Vedamurthy, G. V., Swarnkar, C. P., Kadam, V., Onteru, S. K., Ahmad, H., & Singh, R. (2021). De novo pathway is an active metabolic pathway of cysteine synthesis in Haemonchus contortus. Biochimie, 187, 110-120.
- Kadam V.,Arvind Soni, Shahaji Phand & Arun Kumar (Eds.). Sheep Wool and Mutton: Production and Value Addition (ISBN 978-93-5493-233-5), ICAR-CSWRI and MANAGE, India, 2021
- Kadam V.,Gadekar Y. P., Shakyawar D. B. & Shinde A. K (Eds.). Sheep Produce: Wool, Mutton and Milk (ISBN 978-93-5391-056-3), ICAR-CSWRI, India, 2019.
Awards and Professional Affiliations
- Middle Career Scientist Award from ISSGPU at National seminar, Avikanagar (2022)
- Best paper award for the oral paper at national conference on Ozone layer, its depletion, and Impact on Living Beings, Bikaner, India, (2022)
- NESA Young Scientist Award from National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi, India (2022)
- Consolation prize at national level Hackathon on Precision and Economical Livestock Farming (Kritagya 2.0) from Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India (2022)
- Outstanding Engineering services to society award by the Institution of Engineers, Rajasthan state centre, India (2021)
Professional Affiliations (Life membership of)
- Natioanl Environmental Science Academy
- The Institution of Engineers (India)
- Indian Natural Fibre Society
- Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization
- Indian Society for Cotton Improvement
- Indian Fibre Society