Research Programme
Programme 1. Enhancing mutton production through increasing prolificacy and genetic improvement through selection
- Increasing productivity of sheep for mutton through improvement in prolificacy by introducing fecundity gene in three breed crosses should be continued for another two years to establish new genotype.
- Studies on efficiency of feed utilization (FCE), nutrient intake for different physiological stages in new three breed cross sheep should be taken up.
- Studies on adaptability to thermal, walking and nutritional stress in new prolific sheep should be taken up.
- Three breed cross animal may be made available for above mentioned Physiology and Nutrition projects.
- In view of management problem and drastic decrease in performance of sheep for mutton production, round the year breeding may be stopped in prolific sheep project. The efficiency of round the year breeding Vs conventional breeding system may be compared on the data generated during the last year.
- The work on genetic improvement of Malpura sheep through selective breeding should be taken up in the farmers flock under field condition. The input should be provided for maintenance of farmers animals to ensure regular data recording.
- The present flock of Malpura sheep at Institute should be utilized to work out the three lambing in two years breeding schedule using physiological manipulations.
Programme 2. Improvement of sheep for wool production
- Improvement of Magra sheep for lustrous wool production:
- This work may be conducted at ARC, Bikaner.
- The Biotechnology Scientist will work on identification and documentation of candidate gene for lustre in Magra sheep
- Enhancement of carpet wool production through selection in Marwari sheep
- Improvement of Chokla sheep for carpet wool production
- Project on fine wool production should be strengthened at NTRS Garsa.
- Work on improvement of management and feeding practices should be taken up for higher yield of Angora wool.
Programme 3. Development and improvement of technology for value addition in sheep products and by-products.
- Development of diversified animal fibre based products
- Value added mutton products
- Milk and milk products
- Carcass evaluation
Programme 4. Disease surveillance, health care and disease diagnostic tools
- Work on disease resistance with biotechnological approach may be intensified
- Epidemiological work may be taken up in relation to climatic variables.
- Work on development of diagnostics using biotechnological tools may be taken up
Programme 5: Validation, refinement and dissemination of developed technologies
- Integrated approaches for improvement in productivity of Sheep under field condition through transferable technologies
- A plan for introducing mobile training facilities for migrating animal herders may be proposed in the XII plan.