BackTraining programme organized on to strength decision support system in sheep management for achieving optimum production at Salumbar, Udaipur under TSP
One day training programme on “To strength decision support system in sheep management for achieving optimum production” was organized under TSP Head of Network Projects on 15th July, 2021 at Salumbar, Udaipur in collaboration with KVK, Badgaon to enhance tribal farmer’s livelihood through scientific livestock farming particularly sheep. A total of 50 interested tribal farmers from Salumbar block of Udaipur district attended the training programmes. The coordinator of the programme was Dr Ashish Chopra, Sr Scientist and Joint Coordinators were Dr, Ashok Kumar, Scientist and Shri Madan Lal, TO, ICAR-CSWRI, ARC Bikaner. Overall, the training programmes was managed and coordinated by Dr H K Narula, Principal Scientist & Head, ARC, Bikaner. The programme was chaired by Dr Arun Kumar Tomar, Director ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar. Dr Bhupendra Bhardwaj, Additional Director, Animal Husbandry, Udaipur, Dr Deepak Jain (In-Charge KVK) and Dr P Bhatnagar (SMS, KVK) graced the programme and interacted with the tribal farmers to increase their livelihood and nutritional security. Honorable Director, Dr Tomar addressed the gathering and emphasized importance to develop a decision support system for tribal farmers for scientific sheep farming and rabbit farming to enhance livelihood and nutritional security of tribal farmers. Dr Narula gave technical lecture on developing decision support system in sheep management for achieving optimum production through scientific sheep management. In the last part of the programme, all tribal farmers were benefited with shed material (iron pipe, iron sheet, chain link fencing). Chokla sheep (10 units comprising 2 females and one male) was also distributed for genetic improvement of their sheep flock of tribal farmers to enhance the productivity of the flock, thereby enhancing farmer’s income cum socio-economic status. .jpg) .jpg) .jpg) .jpg) .jpg)