BackHands-on-training on Oestrus Synchronization and Artificial Insemination in Sheep successfully organized for U.P Veterinary officers
Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute have successfully organized a seven days hands-on-training on “Oestrus Synchronization and Artificial Insemination in Sheep” from 16.06.17 to 22.06.2017 at Avikanagar. The program was sponsored by Director, Administration and Development, Animal Husbandry Department, Lucknow (U.P). Eleven veterinary officers from Uttar Pradesh participated in the training. During the training, various theory and practical sessions were conducted on different topics, viz. semen collection, evaluation, processing, short-term storage, semen evaluation, AI and pregnancy diagnosis, etc. In addition, trainees participated in yoga classes during their stay. The trainees expressed the positive feedback and were happy about the conduct of training and skills learnt. Valedictory function was presided over by Dr. S.M.K. Naqvi, Director of the institute and was attended by heads of various divisions, In-charges, Scientists and technical staffs. Director distributed the certificates to all participants and addressed the gathering with the special emphasis on scope and the genesis of oestrus Synchronization and artificial Insemination in sheep and urged to disseminate the technology in their respective working places. Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Krishnappa, course co-coordinator.