BackSenior Officers of Animal Husbandry Department, Kerala Visited SRRC Mannavanure
A team of 25 Senior Officers of Kerala Animal Husbandry Department visited SRRC, Mannavanur for an exposure visit on 18 February 2013. Dr. A. S. Rajendiran, Principal Scientist and Officer In-charge explained them about Bharat Merino sheep, Broiler rabbits and wool production and utilization. Dr. S. Rajapandi delivered a lecture on disease aspects of sheep and rabbit followed by interactive session on wool utilization. All the woolen products developed from sheep and rabbits in the station were shown to them. The difference between sheep wool and Angora hair fibre was explained. All the Officers gained practical knowledge on wool and its utilization and they expressed their gratitude to CSWRI as whole for having given them adequate information on Bharat Merino sheep, Broiler rabbits and animal fibres and their utilization.