BackCSWRI's participation at NRCSS, Tabiji, Ajmer annual Rastriya Kisan Mela on 15-02-2013
National Research Centre on Seed Spices (NRCSS), Tabiji, Ajmer organized their annual Rastriya Kisan Mela and Kisan Sangosthi on 15 February 2013. Dr. S.M.K. Naqvi, Director, CSWRI, Avikanagar and Sh. Anand Mohan Tiwari, Managing Director, GNFC, Gujarat were the Special Guests on this occasion. Many exhibits were put up for imparting latest and modern developments in this field for the benefit of farming community. CSWRI Avikanagar also participated with an exhibition stall. About 200 farmers took keen interest in the institute's display stall with a detailed interaction. Many farmers raised their queries with regard to animal rearing practices and health care were addressed by the TOT scientists and The Director, CSWRI, Avikanagar himself.