Downloads » Job contract work order/Supply Order
- Extension of Culled Animal contract -Reg
- संस्थान के विभिन्न परियोजना/बाहृय परियोजना एवं फील्ड/अनुसंधान कार्यो हेतु आकस्मिक आधार पर वाहनों को किराए पर लेने हेतु वार्षिक अनुबन्ध पर सम्पन्न करने हेतु
- संस्थान में नकारा/अतिरिक्त जानवरों को उठाने से सम्बन्धित अनुबन्ध सम्पन्न कराने बाबत्।
- संस्थान में मेनपावर उपलब्ध कराने हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी अनुबन्ध आदेश क्रमांक GEMC511687796092935 dated 27-01-2023 की अवधि बढाने बाबत्।
- संस्थान के नकारा/अतिरिक्त जानवरों (भेड़, मेढ़ा, बकरा, बकरियों) को उठाने निष्पादन अनुबन्ध की अवधि बढाने बाबत्।
- rate contract of printing
- R/c for supply of P.O.L. & Lubricant etc. regarding
- संस्थान के नकारा/अतिरिक्त जानवरों (भेड, मेढा, बकरा, बकरीयों) को उठाने निष्पादन अनुबन्ध की अवधि बढाने बाबत्
- संस्थान के सरकारी कपडे धोने से सम्बन्धित कार्य को वार्षिक अनुबन्ध/जॉब कोन्ट्रेक्ट के आधार पर करने बाबत्।
- R/c for supply of P.O.L. & Lubricant etc. regarding
- संस्थान में विभिन्न प्रकार के प्रिन्टिग कार्य करवाने हेतु रेट कोन्ट्रेक्ट अनुबन्ध की अवधि बढाने बाबत्।
- संस्थान के वाहनों के लिए पेट्रोल, डीजल, ऑयल आदि (POL) की आपूर्ति अनुबन्ध अवधि बढाने के सम्बन्ध में
- संस्थान के पशु पोषण विभाग के अन्तर्गत संस्थान के जानवरों के लिए दाना बनाने एवं सभी सेक्टरों पर आपूर्ति करने से सम्बन्धित कार्य को वार्षिक अनुबन्ध (जॉब कोन्ट्रेक्ट) के आधार पर सम्पन्न करने हेतु
- संस्थान के नकारा/अतिरिक्त (भेड, मेढा, बकरा, बकरियों) जानवरों को उठाने निष्पादन अनुबन्ध के क्रम में
- संस्थान के नकारा/अतिरिक्त (भेड, मेढा, बकरा, बकरियों) जानवरों को उठाने निष्पादन अनुबन्ध को समाप्त करने के क्रम में
- Reg. Extension contract for Disposal of culled /surplus animal at CSWRI Avikanagar
- Printing rate Contract-reg
- संस्थान की आन्तरिक सुरक्षा व्यवस्था अनुबंध का जॉब कोन्ट्रेक्ट के आधार पर सम्पन्न करने बाबत्।
- मुख्य संस्थान अविकानगर हेतु जॉब कोंट्रेक्ट के आधार पर मेनपावर उपलब्ध कराने का कार्य अनुुुुुुबन्ध की अवधि बढानें के क्रम मेें।
- R/c for supply of POL regarding
- Purchase of equipment under composite project of CWDB
- Amendment letter for Rate Contract of Chemicals and Glassware & petty lab items
- Publication of advertisement for vacant position (Advertisement No, CSWRI/07/2020) - reg
- Extension order of R/c for supply of P.O.L. & Lubricant etc. regarding
- Rate Contract for Supply of Chemicals and custom services ( cryosythesis, Sequencing Antibody Synthesis, Gene modification/synthesis) Peptide Synthesis,, Glass ware/Plastic ware & Petty Lab items to this Institute and its regional stations
- Office oreder for Rate Contract of Chemicals and Glassware & petty lab items reg.
- Supply order of Repair & Maintenance of Harrow
- Rate contract of Printing Order reg
- Rate contract of washing clothes
- Supply Order of Tissue Homogenizer
- Supply Order of CCTV System
- Supply Order of Technology Display Devices
- Supply Order of Access Point 2*2 MIMO
- Supply Order of felting Machine
- Supply order of Paver Interlocking Block
- Supply Order of Facbric Abrasion Tester
- Regarding Job Contract of Manpower to M/S. Oriental Integrate Facility Management Pvt ltd at ICAR-CSWRI Substation NTRS Garsa
- Regarding Supply Order of Water De-ionzier
- Regarding Job Contract of Manpower to M/S. Amrawat Security Agency ICAR-CSWRI Substation ARC Bikaner
- Regarding Job Contract of Manpower to M/S. Oriental Integrate Facility Management Pvt ltd at ICAR-CSWRI Substation NTRS Garsa
- Regarding Job Contract of Manpower to M/S. Amrawati Security Agency at ICAR-CSWRI Substation ARC,Bikaner
- Regarding Job Contract of Manpower to M/S. Vasuki Enterprises at ICAR-CSWRI Substation SRRC Mannavanur
- Regarding Job Contract of Manpower M/S. G.S. Company
- Regarding Contract of Order Gust house Jaipur dated 01-01-2020 to 31-12-2020
- Regarding Tender Document of Ultra Fine Grinding Mill
- Regarding Supply Order of Fluorescent Microscope
- Regarding Supply Order of Air Shower For Clean Lab
- Regarding Supply Order of Projection Microscope
- Regarding Crop production at sector 12 ICAR-CSWRI
- Regarding Job Contract of Swiss Tent
- Job Contract Extension of agriculture at diffrent sector's of institute
- JOb Contract Extension at Wool Plant
- Work Order to supply petrol,diesel and oil
- Regarding Job Contarct Work of feed mixing
- Regarding Job Contract of WaterMotors repair and maintenance
- Regarding Job Contract of Manpower
- Supply of Name Plate 12*4 with fitting
- Regarding supply of Feed ingrdents
- Regarding Order for Vechile Hiring
- संस्थान के नकारा/अतिरिक्त जानवरो को उठाने निष्पादन करने के संबंध मे
- Regarding Supply of Xerox 5020 Drum Cartridge
- Regarding Supply of Xerox 5020 Toner Cartridge
- Regarding Supply of HP Cartridge 88A and 12A Dual Pack
- Regarding Contract Job Work Extension to Take Care of Animals
- Regarding Job Contract of take care Grazzing Crops and Various Trees
- Regarding Job contract of Agriculture Work
- Regarding Job Contract Extension of Watersupply
- Regarding Job Contract Extension of Electricity WaterMotors repair and maintenance
- Regarding Supply of fodder cowpea EC-4216Seeds
- Regarding Work of Sewerage Line at Institute
- Regarding Supply of Drip Irrigation System Material
- Regarding Job contract of water supply
- Regarding Job Contract of Water Supply
- Job Contract Extension of G.S. and Company From 01.05.2019 to 31.07.2019
- supply order of cement
- supply Order of Cartridge
- ChlorophyII Meter SPAD -502 Plus
- Supply of Nitrogen Gas Cylander
- Electricity work contect extented to 30.06.2019
- Water Supply contect extented to 30.06.2019
- Job Contract Order for Category-3 From G.S. and Company
- Supply of Republic Day Card-2019
- Work order of Momento Bidding
- Revised order of Revised payment of EPF reg.
- Supply of White Cotton Turkish Towel
- supply of Microscope with Photographic Attachment
- Supply of Gloss meter
- Supply of HDPE
- Supply of DAP
- Supply of White Cotton towel reg.
- Order of Green Fodder Contract
- Order of TMTC Wool Plant Contract
- Rate Cont Chemicals and glassware petty lab items
- Supply of plumber items
- Supply of Jute bag
- Supply of HP Toner Cartridge
- Supply of Stationery items
- Supply order for printing, supply of proforma, register, log book, cash memo book etc
- Work order of printing work
- Trector Dirver Cont. work order
- Supply of Brick Ist Grade Shyam Make Kanota Reg
- Supply of Jaipur Stone Crusher Grit
- Job Contract of Revised order
- Vet. Medicine Rate Cont. Extension Date 14-08-2018 to 31-11-2018
- Supply of Sement Pot
- Supply of Rabbit Feed
- Supply of Consumable itms Reg
- Supply of 18Watt LED Reg
- order of old scrap
- order for manzoor publicity
- Rate Cont.for Supply of Chemicals,Glassware,Petty lab itms date 07-08-2018 to 31-07-2020
- Supply of Momentos
- Agriclauter work block No 8,9,4,
- Agriclauter work block No 12
- Supply of Tiles and Blocks
- Annual work contract order for sheep shed cleaning, sheep weighing etc work at Sheep Health division.
- Extension of existing job cont.Sheep grazing security work and watch ward cont at SRRC
- Order for supply of medicines for Human Dispensary
- Order of supply cement PPC bags- JK cement
- supply of Xerox Drum Cartridge and Printer Cartridge
- Refilling of ABC Type Fire extinguishers 6kg
- Supply order for Condenser tape
- supply order for Sigma Chemicals
- supply oorder for Roller
- Supply oorder for Feed Barley and Mustered Cake
- supply order for Drill Bit
- Reparing work order for weighing scale
- Reparing work for weighing cap scale-60
- supply of Pamphlets TOT&SS
- Corrigendum job Cont work for Sheep Grazing SRRC Mannavanur
- Supply of raw wool TMTC
- Supply of Distemper and ACE etc Reg
- supply of Battery for work shop
- Job Contract Order PG Hostel and Guest houes Avi.and Kishan Hostel
- Work order for repair of water pureifire at GH reg.
- Work order for repair of water pureifire reg.
- Provide of unskilled supporting staff reg.
- Sypply order for LED tube rod reg.
- Supply order for 12 watt LED bulb reg.
- Revalidation expenditure for wages at SRRC, Mannavanur reg.
- Addendom for supply of maize and oats grains reg.
- Supply order for Veterinary Medicines
- Supply order for Sprinkler unit
- Work oreder for repair of Chapcutter
- office order to GS Company for provide asstt. cat.3 in Admn.I
- order for Asstt. cat-3 on contract basis reg.
- order for Tractor Driver on Job contract reg.
- Supply order for diesel, oil, grease and lubricants to M/s Choudhary petrol pump, malpura
- Order of Repair of air conditioner and refrigerator Reg
- Supply of HP Cartiridges
- Supply of Split AC
- Supply order of Progesterone powder
- Supply of online UPS 5 KVA
- Supply of Nikon Binocular Microscope. Model E-100 (Anti-fungus type) with accessories
- Contract order No 6056 dt 20.06.2015